GI#13 Revised 5/25/2018
The Parkside Neighborhood rain gardens were installed to
beautify the sites and to intercept, treat, and infiltrate stormwater
runoff from Park Boulevard. Stormwater runoff will enter the rain
gardens situated in the medians through curb cuts. These rain
gardens help mitigate nuisance flooding in the area and reduces
nonpoint source pollution and stormwater runoff that would otherwise discharge into the City of
Camden’s combined sewer system. This rain garden has a drainage area of 1,400 square feet and a
rain garden area of 750 square feet. The existing soil was excavated and used to create shallow
berms. The remaining soil was hauled away and disposed off-site. Approximately 11 cubic yards of
a 50% sand and 50% compost soil blend was tilled into the remaining soil. These amendments were
added to improve both the rain garden’s infiltration rate and soil nutrient capacity. Included plants for
the rain garden are Black-eyed Susan, Sweet Pepperbrush, Purple Coneflower, etc. This rain garden
captures 60,000 gallons of stormwater per year. The project was completed in August 2012.
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Park Blvd #1
Park Blvd & Magnolia Ave