GI#53 Revised 5/25/2018
At this site, located in the Stockton neighborhood, the
asphalt section between the sidewalk and curb has
been removed and replaced with permeable
surfaces to promote groundwater recharge. Portions
of the perimeter have had continuous tree pits and
pervious concrete installed to intercept, treat, and filter stormwater runoff from the school grounds.
Overflow from the pervious concrete and tree pits discharge to the curb and gutter on the adjacent
streets. These installations help to mitigate nuisance flooding in the area and reduces nonpoint
source pollution and stormwater that would otherwise discharge into the City of Camden's
combined sewer system. This site captures 960,360 gallons of stormwater per year. This project
was completed in May 2017.
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Cramer School
2800 Mickle St.