GI#6 Revised 5/25/2018
The Ferry Avenue Branch Library rain garden, located in the
Centerville neighborhood, was installed to intercept, treat, and
infiltrate stormwater runoff from a portion of the library's roof.
This rain garden helps to mitigate nuisance flooding in the area
and reduces nonpoint source pollution and stormwater that
would otherwise discharge into the City of Camden’s combined
sewer system. This rain garden manages stormwater runoff from a portion of the library's roof via
redirected downspouts. The two downspouts that originally directed runoff to the road were
disconnected and redirected to the rain garden to serve as the inlets. At this site, coarse sand and
compost were mixed into the native soil to help improve drainage and the quality of the soil. Plants
placed in this rain garden include Beardtongue, Black-eyed Susan, Creek Sedge, and Goldenrod.
The rain garden, with a drainage area of approximately 2,600 square feet, is 6 inches in depth, 500
square feet in area, and is designed to capture stormwater runoff from a 2" rain event. The rain garden
captures 62,500 gallons of stormwater per year. The project was completed in April 2012.
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Ferry Ave Library
852 Ferry Avenue