GI#8 Revised 5/25/2018
The Puerto Rican Unity for Progress rain garden, located in the
Bergen Square neighborhood, was installed to intercept, treat,
and infiltrate stormwater runoff from a portion of the facility's
roof. At this site, a PVC pipe was attached to the catch basin
below the rain barrel overflow and was buried underground and
directed into the rain garden to serve as the inlet. Examples of
plants included in this rain garden are Beardtongue, Beebalm,
Creek Sedge, and Great Blue Lobelia. The rain garden, with a drainage area of approximately 320
square feet, is 3-6 inches in depth, 225 square feet in area, and is designed to capture stormwater
runoff from a 2 inch rain event. Two rain barrels, connected to both the building's downspout and the
rain garden, provide an additional source of water for the adjacent community garden. The stormwater
runoff flows from the rooftop, through the rain barrels, and into the rain garden through an
underground pipe. At this site, 31,250 gallons of stormwater are captured each year. This project was
completed in June 2012
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Puerto Rican Unity for Progress
818 S. Broadway